Frequently Asked Questions

Some of my most asked questions by past clients


Can you make custom patches or put words on my vest/harness?

No, unfortunately, I cannot. I do not own an embroidery machine, so if you would like custom wording on your items this is not the shop for you.

I have some patches that I would like sewn on my vest. Can you do this?

Yes! I am more than happy to sew on any patches you provide me free of charge, so long as you are willing to cover shipping costs to my address in Maryland.

How long does it take for my item to get made?

It depends. Based on what you order, how I feel during the week, other scheduling, and how many orders are ahead of yours, it can take about:

If your order is at the back of the line: This can range from 2-4 weeks max.

If your order is in the middle of the line: This can range from 2-3 weeks max

If your order is in the front of the line: This can range from 1-2 weeks, approximately 10 days on average.

Please keep in mind I am only 1 person! I try my hardest to get orders out while trying to make time for myself and my academics.